12-Minute Floor Press Workout: AMRAP Challenge

Fulcrum Fitness Class doing Med Ball Slams during an AMRAP workout

Ready to torch some serious chest and tricep muscles? This quick and dirty AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) workout will have you pushing your limits in just 12 minutes.

We'll be focusing on the mighty floor press, but don't worry, this burner throws in some bodyweight and core work to keep things interesting. You'll need a timer and, ideally, a weight that challenges you for 10 reps on the floor press.  A medicine ball (or a weighted substitute) is a bonus, but we’ll provide an alternative if you don’t have that available. 

The Challenge:

Set your timer for 12 minutes and get ready to sweat. This is an AMRAP workout, so complete as many rounds of the following circuit as possible within the time limit. Rest only when needed, and focus on maintaining good form throughout.

The Circuit:

  • Push Ups: 10 reps

  • Floor Press: 10 reps

  • Medicine Ball Slam: 10 reps (or Bodyweight Slam)


Push Ups:

This classic bodyweight exercise is a fantastic warm-up and primes your chest, shoulders, and triceps for the floor press. Aim for proper form: keep your core engaged, back straight, and body in a straight line from head to heels.

Floor Press:

The star of the show! Grab your weights and lie flat on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat. Press the weight straight up until your elbows are locked, then lower down to hover off the ground, keeping elbows in at a 45 degree angle.

Medicine Ball Slam:

This explosive exercise gets your heart rate up and works your core. Hold the medicine ball overhead and slam it down forcefully in front of you, then explosively pick it back up. Focus on engaging your core throughout the movement. If you don't have a medicine ball, you can perform bodyweight slams by jumping up and reaching your hands overhead before squatting down to "slam" your hands on the ground.


Choose Your Weight Wisely:

Select a weight that challenges you for 10 reps on the floor press. Don't ego lift; it's better to use a lighter weight and maintain good form than risk injury with a heavier weight.

Form is Key:

Don't sacrifice form for speed. Move with control throughout each exercise and focus on proper technique.

Rest Strategically:

Take short rest periods only when needed. The goal is to keep your heart rate up and maximize the number of rounds you complete.

Scale as Needed:

If push-ups are too difficult, modify them by performing them with a resistance band, at an incline, or on your knees. Likewise, adjust the weight of the medicine ball slam or substitute bodyweight slams if needed.

Ready to Crush It?

Set your timer, grab your weights, and get ready to push yourself! This 12-minute AMRAP challenge is a fantastic way to build chest and tricep strength, improve core stability, and get your heart pumping. Let me know in the comments how many rounds you complete, and don't forget to share this challenge with your workout buddies!

Want to try a workout like this in person? Book your first session at Fulcrum Fitness!


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