Get Those Hamstrings Screaming: 20-Minute Romanian Deadlift (RDL) Workout

Personal Trainer at Fulcrum Fitness helping a new gym goer with Romanian Deadlift form cues

Hey Fitfam, are you ready to fire up your posterior chain? Today's quick and dirty workout focuses on the Romanian Deadlift (RDL), a fantastic exercise for building strong, sculpted hamstrings and a powerful core. In just 20 minutes, you'll be feeling the burn and building some serious lower body strength!

Warm Up (preform 3 sets of the following in order):

Straight Arm Lat Pull (10 reps):

This brings awareness to your upper back and gets your core engaged, crucial for proper form in the RDL.

Eccentric Box Step Down (5 reps each leg):

This activates your quads, glutes, and hamstrings while improving balance – perfect prep for those deadlifts.

Light Single-Leg Deadlift (5 reps each leg):

This warms up your hamstrings and glutes specifically, reminding your body of the movement pattern. Remember to go light, this is still just your warm-up.

Working Sets (preform 5 sets of the following in order):

Romanian Deadlift (5 reps):

The star of the show! Focus on keeping your back flat, pushing your hips back, and feeling the stretch in your hamstrings and glutes as you lower the weight.

Seated Cable Row (10 reps each arm):

This complements the RDL by working your back muscles, essential for maintaining good posture throughout the workout.

Run Out the Clock:

Here's where things get fun and functional! Perform each exercise for as many sets as possible in the remaining time, pushing yourself but maintaining good form.

Dead Bug (10 reps):

This core exercise strengthens your deep abdominal muscles, crucial for stability during deadlifts.

Single-Leg Glute Bridge (10 reps each leg)

This isolates your glutes and improves balance, both key for strong deadlifts.

Skaters (20 reps):

This dynamic exercise mimics the skating motion, improving your agility and core stability.

Cool Down:

Don't forget to take a few minutes to stretch out your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back after your workout. This will help prevent soreness and improve your flexibility.

This workout is a great way to target your hamstrings, glutes, and core in a short but effective way. Remember, focus on proper form over weight, and don't hesitate to adjust the difficulty to match your fitness level. Now get out there and crush those Romanian Deadlifts!

Want to try a workout like this in person? Book your first session at Fulcrum Fitness!


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