Gym Updates 5/21

Hey fitfam,

Here are a few quick updates to take note of this week!


As most of you have read, Oregon’s statewide mask policies are changing. As of right now we are still requiring masks for all indoor workouts, but are opening up maskless workouts outside on the Hawthorne platform. 

We’ll be sure to keep you up to date as this shifts further.


More good news! We are adding a few more spots to Tem training at MLK and Hawthorne!

Live Streams

Starting this Monday (5/24) we will be discontinuing our livestream classes. This decision was based on attendance and staffing abilities. Our on demand video library will still be available to all members. Any questions or concerns please reach out to 

MLK PM Shift

Starting this Monday (5/24), The evening Team sessions shift from 4:30 & 6:00 PM to 4:30 PM & 5:30 PM. That way you can still have plenty of time to enjoy those warm summer nights on the horizon. 

As always thanks for being a part of our Fitfam! We are so excited to sweat, grow, and kick-ass with you this summer.


Gym Updates 6/4


Back inside at MLK!